Last week Nate and I took six of our teens on a college trip. My parents kept Adrianna, and we flew down to Clearwater, FL to visit Clearwater Christian College. It was so fun to get away and relax! I enjoyed getting a glimpse of where Nate spent four years of his life, and the teens loved the experience. Nate and I stayed in a hotel while the kids stayed on campus. The 80-degree weather was a huge plus, and we were all able to enjoy an afternoon at the beach catching some rays. It was a rude awakening to come back to COLD Michigan, but we were thankful for the opportunity to go.
In other news, the sun is starting to peek out here. Even though it's only 11 degrees outside right now, it's such a blessing to have the sun shining in the windows. Adrianna has explored every corner and crack or this house in the last few weeks - poor thing. She'll be very ready to be outside this spring. I think she's cutting her two-year molars already; that seems way too early! She's talking ALL the time - in fact she has conversations with herself in her crib. We often hear her saying, "Dolly jump? Yeah. More? Okay!" Fortunately for me, she loves her crib and will sometimes play in it for up to 2 hours. I'm hoping that will last for many more years. :-)